
where i can update to V.1.1.4

where i can update to V.1.1.4 discussie in Archief forum; ( verdwijnt na registratie ) Hi all........ i have iphone us version with 8GB and i buy it in Thailand and unlock already, the original version is 1.0.2 and now ...

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Oud 13-03-08, 09:50
aditnl aditnl is offline
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Standaard where i can update to V.1.1.4

Hi all........
i have iphone us version with 8GB and i buy it in Thailand and unlock already, the original version is 1.0.2 and now i have V.1.1.2 my question is where i can update my iphone to V.1.1.3 or 1.1.4 with easy and save or maybe here in Nederland some mobileshop can do. and can i download Nederland taal for my iphone?

Laatst gewijzigd door aditnl; 13-03-08 om 10:32.
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Oud 13-03-08, 10:00
Fukijama's schermafbeelding
Fukijama Fukijama is offline
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why would you like the dutch language when you can't even type it?
I think you can't do it in any shop but you can do it with some software..

Maybe you can better search on a English site?
or do you understand dutch?

Because when you search the forum you find allot about what you are asking..
Oud 13-03-08, 10:35
aditnl aditnl is offline
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Oorspronkelijk geplaatst door Fukijama Bekijk bericht
why would you like the dutch language when you can't even type it?
I think you can't do it in any shop but you can do it with some software..

Maybe you can better search on a English site?
or do you understand dutch?

Because when you search the forum you find allot about what you are asking..
well thanks for the reply, where i can fine the software for update my iphone.
yes i understand dutch very well only not sure to write dutch here
Oud 13-03-08, 10:38
Fukijama's schermafbeelding
Fukijama Fukijama is offline
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oke dan ga ik verder in Nederlands.
er is een zoek functie in het forum..

Als je daar update Iphone intypt dan vind je wel iets waar je wat aan hebt denk ik.

Oud 13-03-08, 10:52
aditnl aditnl is offline
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Oorspronkelijk geplaatst door Fukijama Bekijk bericht
oke dan ga ik verder in Nederlands.
er is een zoek functie in het forum..

Als je daar update Iphone intypt dan vind je wel iets waar je wat aan hebt denk ik.


thanks but i see there so many like Ziphone and etc
i never do by my self so i little afraid
Oud 13-03-08, 11:00
Nikooos's schermafbeelding
Nikooos Nikooos is offline
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