
Unlock alles van 3.0 tot 4.0

Unlock alles van 3.0 tot 4.0 discussie in Jailbreak forum; ( verdwijnt na registratie ) hier is een tutorial: en werkt bij alle basebands vanaf 3.0 tot 4.0, 1. open cydia, 2. add repo: repo666.ultrasn0w.com (Manage>Sources>Add), 3. install ultrasn0w 0.93,(tik ...

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Oud 22-06-10, 02:40
marcjuhh marcjuhh is offline
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Talking Unlock alles van 3.0 tot 4.0

hier is een tutorial: en werkt bij alle basebands vanaf 3.0 tot 4.0,

1. open cydia,
2. add repo: repo666.ultrasn0w.com
3. install ultrasn0w 0.93,(tik bij zoeken ultrasnow, zorg wel dat hij van repo666 is),
4. herstart je iphone,
5. open cydia en update Ultrasnow,
6. Herstart je IPHONE,
7. KLAAr je iphone is nu unlocked!!!!

(let op: zet je 3g uit bij T-mobile in amerika).

heb je het zelf gedaan en werkt perfect KPN in iedergeval wel!!!

succes en veel plezier er mee.
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Oud 22-06-10, 09:35
wvy's schermafbeelding
wvy wvy is offline
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Inderdaad, ook gezien:

IT'S HERE!!!!!!!!!!!

That's right people the Unlock you have all been waiting for is FINALLY HERE!

ultrasn0w v0.9.3
Compatible with basebands/modem firmware...

It doesn't matter WHAT FW you have as long as you are at 3.0 FW or above and your baseband matches one of the basebands in the list above then this unlock will work for you!

www.sinfuliphonerepo.com to your Cydia sources and install ultrasn0w

For those of you who installed ultrasn0w from the SiNfuL iPhone Repo BEFORE 4:00 PM Pacific Time and are getting the INVALID SIM and it's not working for you period, please UNINSTALL and re-install again! I have just updated the package and fixed the issue. It was my mistake and I left something out of the package by accident. It's been utter ****ing chaos today so my bad

 iMac (Retina 4K, 21.5-inch, 2017) 3,6 GHz Intel Core i7  iPhone X 256GB  iPad Pro 9,7" 128Gb - Wi-Fi - Cellular  Apple TV4 64Gb
Oud 22-06-10, 09:55
Bomans's schermafbeelding
Bomans Bomans is offline
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