
[iPhone 4 downgrade 4.0.2 to 4.0.1] Not eligible

[iPhone 4 downgrade 4.0.2 to 4.0.1] Not eligible discussie in Jailbreak forum; ( verdwijnt na registratie ) Hello all, After some searching on the forum i have registered in the hope that you guys can help me out. I have bought an ...

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Oud 06-09-10, 18:12
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• iOS 4.0.2
• Besturingssysteem: Mac OS X
Geregistreerd: Sep 2010
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Standaard [iPhone 4 downgrade 4.0.2 to 4.0.1] Not eligible

Hello all,

After some searching on the forum i have registered in the hope that you guys can help me out. I have bought an iPhone 4 16GB with IOS 4.0.2 on it. It has a T-Mobile simlock but i need to have Vodafone carrier support since my contract is untill november. (after that i have T-Mobile)

After some googling i found out that you need to downgrade to 4.0.1 and run jailbreak me on the website. So while hoping to downgrade i got nothing. This means, i was following this guide to downgrade but the error 'device isn' t eligible for the requested build' doesn't disappears so i cannot restore.

The iPhone is in DFU, since the screen is black. Also i have been jailbreaking/unlocking iPhones since the iPhone 2G (1.0.2 ) so i do have some experience with the iPhones.

I hope that this is a clear story, if you need any further information. Please let me know and i'll post it!
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Oud 06-09-10, 19:21
tribalden tribalden is offline
• iOS 4.0
• Ik heb geen iPad
• Besturingssysteem: Windows
Geregistreerd: Jul 2010
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as far as i know if you din't save the shs blog file true cydia youre F#@%
but if you did you can downgrade with tinyumbrella..

you also can kick a device out of dfu whit tinyumbrella..
Oud 06-09-10, 19:38
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• iOS 4.0.2
• Besturingssysteem: Mac OS X
Geregistreerd: Sep 2010
Berichten: 5

Oorspronkelijk geplaatst door tribalden Bekijk bericht
as far as i know if you din't save the shs blog file true cydia youre F#@%
but if you did you can downgrade with tinyumbrella..

you also can kick a device out of dfu whit tinyumbrella..
I indeed have retrieved the iphone4-4.0.2.shsh file with umbrella.app
Also i have created an entry for gs.apple.com in my hosts file

Also when i simply reboot the iPhone the IOS 4.0.2 is still there so i assume that the restoring with 4.0.1 didn't even started.

> MBP-van-Sven: Desktop sven$ cat /etc/hosts | grep 74
> gs.apple.com
> MBP-van-Sven: Desktop sven$ ping gs.apple.com
> PING gs.apple.com ( 56 data bytes
> 64 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=51 time=131.036 ms
Oud 06-09-10, 23:03
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• iOS 4.0.2
• Besturingssysteem: Mac OS X
Geregistreerd: Sep 2010
Berichten: 5

Ok, i think i have found the issue ... It sucks, but i think i cannot downgrade anymore! Here is why. I checked the logs for umbrella.app

09/06/2010 21:55:02.224 Processing SHSH Request...
09/06/2010 21:55:02.364 Asking CYDIA for SHSH blobs for iPhone4 4.0.1 (8A306)...
09/06/2010 21:55:49.377 This device isn't eligible for the requested build.

This means that i do not have SHSH files for 4.0.1 so i cannot downgrade. Here is a post about this, does anybody has further information about this? And maybe a was to resolve it anyway?

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