
iWBRss; RSS feeds en Weersvoorspelling op je Springboard

iWBRss; RSS feeds en Weersvoorspelling op je Springboard discussie in iPhone Apps forum; ( verdwijnt na registratie ) Link a Italiano Wie heeft het al aan de gang? Ik het het ConfigureME.js aangepast maar hij blijft maar weergeven: iWBForecast refreshing... De RSS feeds ...

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Oud 20-11-08, 16:29
raveon raveon is offline
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Exclamation iWBRss; RSS feeds en Weersvoorspelling op je Springboard

Link a Italiano

Wie heeft het al aan de gang?

Ik het het ConfigureME.js aangepast maar hij blijft maar weergeven: iWBForecast refreshing...

De RSS feeds zie ik al helemaal niet terug...


Mijn config:

//Main Config
rss_position='bottom'; //top, bottom
rss_timescroll=8;  //sec 
rss_language='NL'; //IT,EN

//Forecast Config
//Configuration on: http://www.accuweather.com/rss-center.asp
forecast_enable=true; //true,false
forecast_graphic=big; //none,big
forecast_metric='1'; //1,0

//RSS Config

rss_ary_Name[0]  ='nu.nl';
rss_ary_Url[0]   ='http://www.nu.nl/deeplink_rss2/index.jsp?r=Algemeen';
rss_ary_Color[0] ='White';
rss_ary_Max[0]   =4; //Set 0 for all rss title

rss_ary_Name[1]  ='FOK!';
rss_ary_Url[1]   ='http://rss.fok.nl/feeds/nieuws';
rss_ary_Color[1] ='White';
rss_ary_Max[1]   =4;

rss_ary_Name[2]  ='Nijmegen';
rss_ary_Url[2]   ='http://www.gelderlander.nl/nijmegen/?service=rss';
rss_ary_Color[2] ='White';
rss_ary_Max[2]   =4; //Set 0 for all rss title

//rss_ary_Name[3]  ='Estense';
//rss_ary_Url[3]   ='http://www.estense.com/index.php?module=xmlrssitalia';
//rss_ary_Color[3] ='White';
//rss_ary_Max[3]   =4; //Set 0 for all rss title

//rss_ary_Name[4]  ='AppShopper';
//rss_ary_Url[4]   ='http://appshopper.com/feed/?filter=price';
//rss_ary_Color[4] ='White';
//rss_ary_Max[4]   =4; //Set 0 for all rss title

//rss_ary_Name[4]  ='Meteo';
//rss_ary_Url[4]   ='http://www.meteogiornale.it/rss/news.xml';
//rss_ary_Color[4] ='White';
//rss_ary_Max[4]   =4; //Set 0 for all rss title
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Oud 19-12-08, 12:37
bartelicious bartelicious is offline
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Standaard rss feed op homescreen

misschien al een keer behandeld maar ik vind dit wel een mooi programmaatje.

het heet wbrss en voegd rss feeds toe aan je homescreen en ook het weer [deze heb ik er uitgehaald].
het is aan en uit te zetten via winterboard.

uitleg hieronder:

iWBRss - forecast and rss reader widget. (Cydia)

- You can choose to activate the RSS feed or just the weather, change the colors of written or change the location of information. The theme for work, requires an internet connection that is invoked by default every 30 minutes. (Even this timer can be customized to prevent the consumption of battery, which has been optimized to the maximum). Moreover, the engine of the issue lies in remote, so that any upgrade or improvement is received automatically refresh later.

how to customize the theme:

1. Once downloaded from Cydia, you will have access via SSH, then using CyberDuck or WinSCP and enter the path "Library / Themes / iWBRss."

2. Take ConfigureME.js file and transferred to the desktop of your computer.

3. Open this file with any text editor, notebook, Dashcode, Dreamweaver etc. The file configureMe.js, consists of three sections:

s1. Main Config: to set the basic parameters
s2. Config Forecast for configuring the weather
s3. the configuration Rss: for the configuration Rss feed. For a good data / speed not put more than 4 / 5 RSS feeds.

s1. Section Main Config:

rss_position: [top, bottom] serves to set the position is that the forecast dell'rss
rss_timescroll: [n Seconds] serves to set the flow time of the written
rss_language: [IT, EN] is for the translation of forecast

s2. Forecast Config section:

forecast_enable: [true, false] is used to enable or disable the weather, the next options are valid only if it is true
forecast_graphic: [true, false] is used to enable or disable the graphical display (bottom right) weather
forecast_text: [true, false] is used to enable or disable the display of textual weather
forecast_metric: [1.0] is used to configure the unit of measurement. (1 = ° C, 0 ° F)
forecast_color: [color] is used to configure the color of the text of the weather. [White, Red, Navy, Green, # FFFFFF, # cccccc etc.]
forecast_city: [city] here is where you set your location. The parameter for inclusion should be taken from the site : AccuWeather.com - Download Center - RSS News and Blogs

a. Set the location, example: Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia and then press on SET

b. Copy only the last part of return (the one highlighted in blue) ASI|MY|MY015|KUALA LUMPUR.

s3. Rss Section:

rss_enable: [true, false] is used to enable or disable the reading of RSS feeds, subsequent options are valid only if it is true
rss_ary_Name [x]: [name] is the name that appears in the green box.
rss_ary_Url [x]: [url] is the url of the feed rss (example iSpazio = 'http://feeds.feedburner.com/Ispazio?format=xml')
rss_ary_Color [x]: [color] is the color that will be used to view the feed [White, Red, Navy, Green, # FFFFFF, # cccccc etc.]
rss_ary_Max [x]: [number] is the maximum number of titles of the feed.
4. Save the new file and re-ConfigureMe.js always uppatelo via SSH in the same location: "Library / Themes / iWBRss / Private"

5. Open Winterboard and set the theme iWBRss.

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Oud 19-12-08, 12:39
Destiny's schermafbeelding
Destiny Destiny is offline
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