
voorruitgang in 5.9 unlock?

voorruitgang in 5.9 unlock? discussie in Archief forum; ( verdwijnt na registratie ) Dev-Team Blog - 3G Update 3G Update We made some significant 3G progress this week. Here’s a screenshot of a 3G iPhone whose baseband has ...

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Oud 20-10-09, 13:20
stofke_vm stofke_vm is offline
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Standaard voorruitgang in 5.9 unlock?

Dev-Team Blog - 3G Update

3G Update
We made some significant 3G progress this week.
Here’s a screenshot of a 3G iPhone whose baseband has been modified. And even though it’s modified — and fails the integrity check — it’s still running. Can you guess where the patch was made?

Running modified baseband code is a very useful ability, but it’s still not possible to accurately estimate how close we are to the ultimate goal.
Update: A video of the above session is available here.
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Oud 20-10-09, 15:27
david007's schermafbeelding
david007 david007 is offline
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Dit is voor zover ik weet voor de 05.11.07 baseband snap niet helemaal wat je bedoelt met 5.9 hoop niet de bootloader! Want er zitten nog genoeg mensen op de 6.0
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Oud 20-10-09, 15:31
De Generaal's schermafbeelding
De Generaal De Generaal is offline
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Oorspronkelijk geplaatst door stofke_vm Bekijk bericht
Dev-Team Blog - 3G Update

3G Update
We made some significant 3G progress this week.
Here’s a screenshot of a 3G iPhone whose baseband has been modified. And even though it’s modified — and fails the integrity check — it’s still running. Can you guess where the patch was made?

Running modified baseband code is a very useful ability, but it’s still not possible to accurately estimate how close we are to the ultimate goal.
Update: A video of the above session is available here.
Dit is een filmpje van een 3G unlock, dat is allang mogelijk. Dit was aan het begin van het jaar ergens gepost.

Onzin topic dit..
Oud 20-10-09, 15:45
Bomans's schermafbeelding
Bomans Bomans is offline
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Dit is inderdaad al heeeeeel oud nieuws.

Om verdere verwarring tegen te gaan ...


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