
'Custom iPhone' gekocht via ebay. okay of niet?

'Custom iPhone' gekocht via ebay. okay of niet? discussie in Archief forum; ( verdwijnt na registratie ) Hi, Ik sta te popelen om de TNT meneer aan de deur te zien komen met mijn nieuwe iPhone. Ik heb, misschien een beetje lukraak, ...

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Oud 21-03-08, 01:31
PIEUW PIEUW is offline
• iOS 4.1
• 4.3.3
• Besturingssysteem: Mac OS X
Geregistreerd: Mar 2008
Locatie: Den Haag
Berichten: 54
Standaard 'Custom iPhone' gekocht via ebay. okay of niet?


Ik sta te popelen om de TNT meneer aan de deur te zien komen met mijn nieuwe iPhone. Ik heb, misschien een beetje lukraak, onderstaande (zie advertentie) phone gekocht. Inmiddels heb ik de verkoper gesproken en die vertelde me dat het om versie 1.1.3 gaat. Er is dus ge-unlocked en er zijn wat progjes op gezet. Ik weet niet of die programmaatjes heel handig zijn, geen idee. Weet iemand dat? (kijk onder, in de advertentie)

Wie kan me een link of advies geven om straks verder te gaan en mijn iPhone klaar te maken voor nl gebruik? En misschien ook naar 1.1.4 te upgraden? Of kan dat niet met deze unlock? Er staat iets over 'vooral niet met iTunes draaien'?

BRAND NEW, APPLE IPHONE 8 100%UNLOCKED!!!! (We had to open the box to unlock the phone and to test it, but other then that it has never been used)!YOU CAN EVEN USE IT AS A PHONE AND NOT JUST SOME OF IT'S FEATURES, BUT EVERYTHING 100%!!!!
Phone has not been unassembled during unlocking
No soldering has been done.
Unlocked with a latest reliable software.

All functions - voice, data, SMS, camera, iPod, Internet, and YouTube all work! (Visual Voicemail is only available on AT&T/Cingular Networks) This unit is brand new in box with all its accessories, and as it is a SOFTWARE UNLOCK, the phones are never opened/tampered with, as such it's 1 year warranty from Apple is valid. These phones have been tested on AT&T & T-Mobile Networks.

*Custom Iphone to envy you friends *
We have installed many additional exciting applications for your enjoyment for no additional cost!
1) Installer - lets you install MORE of your own applications through EDGE or Wi-Fi, you can do it anywhere!
2) ApolloIM - the one and only iPhone IM client, you can chat on your iPhone anytime! Latest Revision 2!
3) NES - a Nintendo Emulator, lets you play games on your iPhone (Games not included, simply Google "NES ROMS" to get them)
4) Dock - a little OS X-like dock that lets you launch your applications with the sweep of a finger anytime, it's really cool!
5) OS X Wallpaper Pack - familliar wallpapers from the OS X desktop.
6) LightsOff - An extremely addictive block game.

Again, EVERYTHING works on the phone 100%, even You Tube and Google maps,Yahoo search, Safari Wi-Fi works as it should giving you access to internet on your iphone at all internet hot spots.8 Gb om memory space that is 2000 songs.


Stereo headset with built-in microphone,
USB cable, dock,
USB power adapter,
cleaning/polishing cloth,

Note: Apple/AT&T may attempt to re-lock the iPhone via a future firmware release. It is recommended that the user not update the iPhone's firmware DO NOT RESTORE YOUR IPHONE USING ITUNES. WE are not responsible if you brick your iphone.
All you need to do is to put in your sim card and you are done to start pimpin
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Oud 21-03-08, 01:46
Grample's schermafbeelding
Grample Grample is offline
• iOS 8.4.1
• Ik heb geen iPad
• Besturingssysteem: Mac OS X
Geregistreerd: Jan 2008
Locatie: Nederland
Berichten: 1.130
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