
De oplossing voor iTunes error 1604, 1600, 1601 or 16xx.

De oplossing voor iTunes error 1604, 1600, 1601 or 16xx. discussie in Jailbreak forum; ( verdwijnt na registratie ) Ik weet niet of het hier al bekend is. Indien het oud nieuws is mag een modje dit topic sluiten. iH8sn0w has released iREB R5 ...

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Oud 13-01-12, 20:44
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• iOS 15.0.1
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• Besturingssysteem: macOS
Geregistreerd: May 2008
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Berichten: 54
Standaard De oplossing voor iTunes error 1604, 1600, 1601 or 16xx.

Ik weet niet of het hier al bekend is. Indien het oud nieuws is mag een modje dit topic sluiten.

iH8sn0w has released iREB R5 for Windows to help restore custom iOS firmware by bypassing iTunes errors. iREB R5 supports iOS 3.x.x to iOS 5.x.x. You can download iREB R5 from the link below…

iREB R5 Now Available for Download | iPhoneHeat

iH8Sn0w is the same developer who released the tools such as Sn0wbreeze, iFaith. For those not familiar, iREB puts you iDevice into Pwned DFU mode, thus helps in bypassing iTunes error 1604, 1600, 1601 or 16xx. iREB RC3 also fixes the “Waiting for iBSS” issue.
iREB R5 Release notes:
Much smaller file size (390kb).
Fixed USB 3.0 issues.
iREB’s speed for the iPhone 2G/iPhone 3G/iPod Touch 1G has increased significantly!
Fixed rare DFU detection issues.
Updated limera1n/steaks4uce payload to not hook “cmd_go” on 4.x images (nothing severe, but useless here).
Once you have created custom firmware with RedSn0w or Sn0wBreeze, iREB lets you put your iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch into Pwned DFU mode which helps in bypassing numerous iTunes errors.
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