
Untethered Jailbreak IOS 6.1 aangekondigd

Untethered Jailbreak IOS 6.1 aangekondigd discussie in Jailbreak forum; ( verdwijnt na registratie ) Beste Iphoneclubbers , Na een lange tijd te hebben gewacht is het aankomende zondag zover. De Jailbreak voor IOS 6.1 voor alle iDevices is aangekondigd. ...

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Oud 29-01-13, 23:21
Nielsz Nielsz is offline
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Talking Untethered Jailbreak IOS 6.1 aangekondigd

Beste Iphoneclubbers,

Na een lange tijd te hebben gewacht is het aankomende zondag zover.
De Jailbreak voor IOS 6.1 voor alle iDevices is aangekondigd. (behalve Apple TV)

iOS 6.1 Untethered Jailbreak Release Date - Finally and after a long waited time Apple has released it’s public iOS 6.1 version and as the developers promise the jailbreakers that they will release the untethered iOS 6.1 jailbreak after the release of iOS 6.1 for public, @planetbeing has confirmed that his untethered jailbreak works on the final iOS 6.1 version, and Pimskeks of the Evad3rs Dev-Team has also confirmed that its safe to jailbreakers to update to iOS 6.1 using itunes.
iOS 6.1 Untethered Jailbreak Release Date :
But for all users who are asking about the release date of the untethered iOS 6.1 jailbreak MuscleNerd hinted that the release date of the jailbreak will be this Sunday, and also tweeted that the untethered jailbreak will jailbreak 22 device which are iPhone 5, 4S, 4, 3GS / iPad 2, 3, 4, iPad mini and iPod touch 4G, 5G only two devices will not supported be iOS 6.1 untethered jailbreak which are Apple TV 2, 3
@MuscleNerd: Hey, did everyone Know the super bowl is this Sunday? What will you be doing? /cc @evad3rs evad3rs.com

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If you people plan to upgrade to iOS 6.1 please don’t do an OTA upgarde. Please make a full restore using iTunes.
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Oud 29-01-13, 23:32
XIII's schermafbeelding
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Untethered jailbreak iOS 6.1 aanstaande zondag verwacht (jailbreak) - iPhoneclub.nl

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ios6, jailbreak, untethered

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