
Make Video Tags

Make Video Tags discussie in Muziek, foto & video forum; ( verdwijnt na registratie ) "Simply and quickly edit basic tags of a multiple selection of video tracks in iTunes, including show, video kind, season number, description, long description, comments, ...

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Oud 24-02-09, 04:10
luwe luwe is offline
• iOS 4.1
• Ik heb geen iPad
• Besturingssysteem: Mac OS X
Geregistreerd: Apr 2008
Berichten: 2
Standaard Make Video Tags

"Simply and quickly edit basic tags of a multiple selection of video tracks in iTunes, including show, video kind, season number, description, long description, comments, lyrics, artist, album, genre, rating and enabled; set played/not played; options to automatically increment track numbers and episode numbers and IDs."

bron: Doug's AppleScripts for iTunes ♫ Make Video Tags v1.2

Er handig als je series wilt beheren, benoemen etc.
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Windows: Itunes mp3 tags veranderen _kay_ iTunes 1 14-12-08 15:52

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