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Oud 10-08-11, 10:28
royalety royalety is offline
• iOS 4.3.5
• Ik heb geen iPad
• Besturingssysteem: Windows
Geregistreerd: Aug 2011
Locatie: nederland
Berichten: 5
Standaard help help help

hoi hoi
wie kan mij helpen ben ten einderaad
ik heb voor de vriendin een 3gs gekocht en er zat jailb op,
denk dat wis ik allen en dan hestel ik hem gewoonen en dan heeft ze gewoon een standaar fabr. intellingen ding..
maar helaas.
hij staat in de herstel mode en krijg hem niet hersteld steeds fout 1604 of 1040

wie kan mij helpen heb al over al gezocht maar wil dat hij het weer gewoon doen maakt niet uit hoe met of zonder jailb.
green poison heb ik al geprobeerd maar daar krijg ik ook niks mee gedaan..

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Oud 10-08-11, 11:17
greethar greethar is offline
• iOS 6.1.6
• 7.1.2
• Besturingssysteem: Windows
Geregistreerd: Jan 2011
Berichten: 8

Zie je het apple logo of connect to I-tunes?

---------- Bericht automatisch samengevoegd op 10 augustus 2011 om 10:18 ----------


When trying to restore your iPhone in iTunes, you may see the following error message:
The iPhone could not be restored. An unknown error occurred. Error 1604
Products affected
  • iPhone
  • iTunes 7.4.3 and earlier

Update to iTunes 7.5 or later.
If upgrading to iTunes 7.5 or later does not resolve, follow the following troubleshooting steps:
Restart your computer

Simply restarting your Mac or Windows PC may allow you to successfully restore your iPhone.
Try a different USB port

Connect iPhone to a different USB port on your Mac or Windows PC. USB 2.0 ports that are built-in to the computer are preferred. If your computer has front and rear USB ports, try a port on the other side of the computer. After doing this, attempt to restore your iPhone in iTunes.
Remove extra USB devices

Remove all USB devices except the keyboard, mouse, and the iPhone. Connect the iPhone directly to the supplied USB cable, bypassing the iPhone Dock. Remove all USB hubs and connect directly to the computer.
Try restoring on a different computer

Attempt to restore on a different computer. Ensure that the computer you are restoring on has USB 2.0 ports.
Create a new user account and restore

Create a new user account and then restore iPhone.
Use the steps below if you’re not sure how to create a new user. After creating the new user, log in to that account, open iTunes, and determine whether the issue you were experiencing persists in this new user.
Windows Vista and Windows XP
  1. From the Start menu, choose Control Panel.
  2. Open User Accounts.
  3. Select Create a new account and follow the instructions to complete the account setup process.
  4. Once the new account is created, choose Log Off from the Start menu.
  5. Log in to the newly created user account.
Mac OS X
  1. Choose Apple menu > System Preferences.
  2. Choose View > Accounts.
  3. Click the “+” (you may need to authenticate to be able to click this).
  4. Give the new user a name and short name and enter a password.
  5. Select the checkbox for “Allow user to administer this computer”. This makes the user an administrator user.
  6. Click Create Account.
Oud 10-08-11, 12:10
royalety royalety is offline
• iOS 4.3.5
• Ik heb geen iPad
• Besturingssysteem: Windows
Geregistreerd: Aug 2011
Locatie: nederland
Berichten: 5

Oorspronkelijk geplaatst door greethar Bekijk bericht
Zie je het apple logo of connect to I-tunes?

---------- Bericht automatisch samengevoegd op 10 augustus 2011 om 10:18 ----------


When trying to restore your iPhone in iTunes, you may see the following error message:
The iPhone could not be restored. An unknown error occurred. Error 1604
Products affected
  • iPhone
  • iTunes 7.4.3 and earlier

Update to iTunes 7.5 or later.
If upgrading to iTunes 7.5 or later does not resolve, follow the following troubleshooting steps:
Restart your computer

Simply restarting your Mac or Windows PC may allow you to successfully restore your iPhone.
Try a different USB port

Connect iPhone to a different USB port on your Mac or Windows PC. USB 2.0 ports that are built-in to the computer are preferred. If your computer has front and rear USB ports, try a port on the other side of the computer. After doing this, attempt to restore your iPhone in iTunes.
Remove extra USB devices

Remove all USB devices except the keyboard, mouse, and the iPhone. Connect the iPhone directly to the supplied USB cable, bypassing the iPhone Dock. Remove all USB hubs and connect directly to the computer.
Try restoring on a different computer

Attempt to restore on a different computer. Ensure that the computer you are restoring on has USB 2.0 ports.
Create a new user account and restore

Create a new user account and then restore iPhone.
Use the steps below if you’re not sure how to create a new user. After creating the new user, log in to that account, open iTunes, and determine whether the issue you were experiencing persists in this new user.
Windows Vista and Windows XP
  1. From the Start menu, choose Control Panel.
  2. Open User Accounts.
  3. Select Create a new account and follow the instructions to complete the account setup process.
  4. Once the new account is created, choose Log Off from the Start menu.
  5. Log in to the newly created user account.
Mac OS X
  1. Choose Apple menu > System Preferences.
  2. Choose View > Accounts.
  3. Click the “+” (you may need to authenticate to be able to click this).
  4. Give the new user a name and short name and enter a password.
  5. Select the checkbox for “Allow user to administer this computer”. This makes the user an administrator user.
  6. Click Create Account.
connet to i tunes en dan wil ik het herstellen en dan loopt die vast en krijg ik die melding dat het niet voltooit is.
Oud 10-08-11, 12:28
greethar greethar is offline
• iOS 6.1.6
• 7.1.2
• Besturingssysteem: Windows
Geregistreerd: Jan 2011
Berichten: 8

‪How to get OUT of recovery mode ie. ((CONNECT TO ITUNES SCREEN)) W/O Restore!!‬‏ - YouTube
Oud 10-08-11, 12:34
royalety royalety is offline
• iOS 4.3.5
• Ik heb geen iPad
• Besturingssysteem: Windows
Geregistreerd: Aug 2011
Locatie: nederland
Berichten: 5

thanks zal het een door zoeken en bekijken.
Oud 11-08-11, 20:56
greethar greethar is offline
• iOS 6.1.6
• 7.1.2
• Besturingssysteem: Windows
Geregistreerd: Jan 2011
Berichten: 8

En is het gelukt?
Oud 12-08-11, 21:52
royalety royalety is offline
• iOS 4.3.5
• Ik heb geen iPad
• Besturingssysteem: Windows
Geregistreerd: Aug 2011
Locatie: nederland
Berichten: 5

ja het is wel gelukt maar nu zit in met het volgende probleem.. sim lock
kan de tel niet activeren dus ook niet jb als ik mij niet vergis

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