
Possible to buy iPhone 3GS online at Mobistar?

Possible to buy iPhone 3GS online at Mobistar? discussie in Koopinformatie België forum; ( verdwijnt na registratie ) Hi! Im wondering if its possible to buy an iPhone 3GS online at the mobistar shop without a contract and get it shipped to my ...

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Oud 08-07-09, 23:35
apple-freak87 apple-freak87 is offline
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• Besturingssysteem: Mac OS X
Geregistreerd: Jul 2009
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Standaard Possible to buy iPhone 3GS online at Mobistar?


Im wondering if its possible to buy an iPhone 3GS online at the mobistar shop without a contract and get it shipped to my Belgium address.

Hope somebody can help me with this issue.

Thanks and have a nice evening!
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Oud 09-07-09, 00:45
Veyron.lover Veyron.lover is offline
• iOS 5.0.1
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I'm sorry to tell you, but Mobistar is not shipping iPhones... You'll have to go to the store yourself

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