

achtergrondmuziek discussie in Ontwikkelen voor iOS forum; ( verdwijnt na registratie ) Edit: Opgelost, met de volgende code : Code: AVAudioPlayer *myExampleSound; //this variable can be named differently NSString *myExamplePath = [[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:@"sample" ofType:@"m4a"]; // *Music ...

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Oud 09-05-09, 23:54
Tim14ww Tim14ww is offline
• iOS 6.0
• 6.0
• Besturingssysteem: Mac OS X
Geregistreerd: Jan 2009
Berichten: 155
Standaard achtergrondmuziek

Edit: Opgelost, met de volgende code :

AVAudioPlayer *myExampleSound;  //this variable can be named differently
    NSString *myExamplePath = [[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:@"sample" ofType:@"m4a"]; // *Music filename* is the name of the file that you want to play.  BE SURE that you type the correct characters as the system is case-sensitive.  It caused a crash for me...  Very painful.
    myExampleSound =[[AVAudioPlayer alloc] initWithContentsOfURL:[NSURL fileURLWithPath:myExamplePath] error:nil];
    myExampleSound.delegate = self;
    [myExampleSound prepareToPlay];
    [myExampleSound play];
    //[myExampleSound stop];
    myExampleSound.numberOfLoops = 10; /* can be as many times as needed by the application   -    myExampleSound.numberOfLoops = -1; >> this will allow the file to play an infinite number of times  */
Letwel, gebruik een m4a file.

Lock plz.


Laatst gewijzigd door Tim14ww; 12-05-09 om 19:27. Reden: Opgelost
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