
Cydia Added to iOS 6.0 JB

Cydia Added to iOS 6.0 JB discussie in Jailbreak forum; ( verdwijnt na registratie ) Cydia Added to iOS 6 Jailbreak Not everyone is happy with the iOS 6 update or just prefers handling their device their way. A hacking ...

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Oud 18-10-12, 03:21
scoop1's schermafbeelding
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Standaard Cydia Added to iOS 6.0 JB

Cydia Added to iOS 6 Jailbreak

Not everyone is happy with the iOS 6 update or just prefers handling their device their way. A hacking group, which calls itself the iPhone Dev-Team, has updated their Resn0w jailbreak giving iOS 6 users full access to the third-party app store Cydia.

The iOS 6 jailbreak was announced less than a day after the latest Apple operating system launched last month. The latest update features the Cydia store built in, whereas before users would have to install it manually. In addition the the update allows users to re-restore their devices to iOS 5 distributions. However, that is limited to iPhones and iPads already running iOS 5.

The Redsn0w iOS 6 features are only available to Apple devices running the A4 processor: iPhone 4, iPhone 3G and 4th generation iPod Touch. Additionally, the jailbreak is only available through tethering.

Apple, understandable, doesn’t like people jailbreaking their devices. The company argues that it eliminates some security features and leaves users pen to malware from unauthorized app stores. It also loosens their control over your device. Jailbreakers are willing to take the risks in exchange for taking control of their own device.

By: Eric Swain
tagged Cydia, iOS 6, RedSn0w
iPhone 5s 64GB Gold 8.3 / Apple TV 3 8GB Black 7.2 no JB / Apple Watch Sport 38mm Silver

Laatst gewijzigd door scoop1; 18-10-12 om 03:22. Reden: Info
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Oud 18-10-12, 07:43
Harley4's schermafbeelding
Harley4 Harley4 is offline
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Oud 18-10-12, 08:08
XIII's schermafbeelding
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