
Iphone 4 battery empty after 4 or 5 hours

Iphone 4 battery empty after 4 or 5 hours discussie in iPhone Apps forum; ( verdwijnt na registratie ) I encounterd the problem of my new Iphone 4 battery draining after 4 or 5 hours (without using it!). I found out that this is ...

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Oud 15-12-10, 12:42
erikbijster erikbijster is offline
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Standaard Iphone 4 battery empty after 4 or 5 hours

I encounterd the problem of my new Iphone 4 battery draining after 4 or 5 hours (without using it!).

I found out that this is due to the alarmclock app, provided by we4mobile . After using this app, and closing it (also in the background mode), somehow my phone was searching for data. After deleting this app, my phone works properly again (and lastst for about 2 days)

I reported this to the Iphone store, lets hope it will be fixed soon. But because I couldn't find any solution to this problem yet, I hope to contribute in problem solving by posting this.
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Oud 15-12-10, 19:12
lumikiller lumikiller is offline
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My battery has a much longer life then my 3GS .
Oud 15-12-10, 20:03
iWiefring's schermafbeelding
iWiefring iWiefring is offline
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Maybe turn off push notifications on that app (if possible).
"Nothing will ever end war unless the people themselves refuse to go to war." -Albert Einstein

alarm app, batterij, battery, empty, we4mobile

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