
iphone krijgt geel scherm bij opstarten

iphone krijgt geel scherm bij opstarten discussie in iPhone algemeen forum; ( verdwijnt na registratie ) Here is my problem.
I was on my iphone 3gs on 4.2.1 baseband 6.15.00 using unlock. I wanted to update to IOS 5 so I watched ...

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Oud 04-01-12, 11:01
hanneske4 hanneske4 is offline
• iOS 5.0.1
• Ik heb geen iPad
• Besturingssysteem: Mac OS X
Geregistreerd: Aug 2010
Berichten: 10
Standaard iphone krijgt geel scherm bij opstarten

Here is my problem.
I was on my iphone 3gs on 4.2.1 baseband 6.15.00 using unlock. I wanted to update to IOS 5 so I watched a vid of apple pro on how to do it. I knew enough about jealbreaking to know that when your on ipad baseband you have to restore with custom firmware.
SO. I created a custom firmware, and however my iphone is from 32'nd week of 2009 the idetecter or something said I had a new bootrom so I created a modified 5.0.1 ipsw and used it to restore.
did not work at first so I tried a couple of times and in the end it did work with my 5.0.1 modified ipsw OLD bootrom (whyle the ih8sn0w said I was on new bootrom) anyway it worked but the problem was my phone kept going back into DFU mode whenever I did not use it for a whyle.
I jailbroke again through the newest redsn0w b3 and then booted tethered. When I putted my backup back and installed ins*******us the device became acting all weird, and after having to boot it tethered again at the weirdest times my device just gave white screen turning into a yellow screen whenever I tried to booth tethered.

When I try to restore, even to the apple 5.0.1 stock version it always gives an error.
first I got errors 1600 and 1601. figured it might help to delete the apple hosts. then I got error 28.
I tried pretty much every ipsw on my windows AND mac, unchecking the box and checking the "set host to cydia"*box a couple of times.
Now I figured there was no option left so I even wanted to try and restore to stock apple firmware and use the UPDATE BASEBAND button in tiny umbrella, hoping to get my phone bricked and being able to restore it. but still:
error 28 and If I use redsn0w for anything like booting up tethered, jailbreaking or fixing recovery it says done when booting but all I get is a white screen getting yellow lines in it and turning all yellow.

Laatst gewijzigd door hanneske4; 04-01-12 om 13:35.
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