
itunes wil geen muziek overzetten naar Iphone

itunes wil geen muziek overzetten naar Iphone discussie in iPhone algemeen forum; ( verdwijnt na registratie ) Hallo, ik heb sinds deze week last van dat ik geen muziek kan overzetten naar mijn iphone. ik heb het op handmatig staan en druk ...

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Oud 23-06-13, 19:15
harmentiem harmentiem is offline
• iOS 7.0
• 7.0
• Besturingssysteem: Mac OS X
Geregistreerd: Dec 2012
Berichten: 13
Standaard itunes wil geen muziek overzetten naar Iphone

ik heb sinds deze week last van dat ik geen muziek kan overzetten naar mijn iphone.
ik heb het op handmatig staan en druk op sychroniseren. en dan komt hij niet op iphone te staan.
gebruik de nieuwste itunes versie op mijn mac.

even een foto hoe hij eruit ziet in itunes

(edit: heb even gekeken en mijn ipad zet wel gewoon muziek over van itunes -> ipad)

probleem is sinds ik vorig week ios 7 had geinstalleerd en daarna weer verwijderd had.
heb ook al een herstelling gedaan 3x achter elkaar aan. maar heeft ook niet geholpen.

Laatst gewijzigd door harmentiem; 23-06-13 om 19:33. Reden: extra informatie + foto
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Oud 23-06-13, 19:51
• iOS
Berichten: n/a

Probeer het volgende eens:

1) Open de OS X Console;
2) Start iTunes;
3) Sluit de iPhone met de originele USB-kabel aan de Mac aan;
4) Selecteer de deuntjes die je wil synchroniseren;
5) Klik op "Sync";

Welke foutboodschappen verschijnen er nu in de OS X Console?
Oud 23-06-13, 21:15
harmentiem harmentiem is offline
• iOS 7.0
• 7.0
• Besturingssysteem: Mac OS X
Geregistreerd: Dec 2012
Berichten: 13

Oorspronkelijk geplaatst door timosha Bekijk bericht
Probeer het volgende eens:

1) Open de OS X Console;
2) Start iTunes;
3) Sluit de iPhone met de originele USB-kabel aan de Mac aan;
4) Selecteer de deuntjes die je wil synchroniseren;
5) Klik op "Sync";

Welke foutboodschappen verschijnen er nu in de OS X Console?
geen alleen dit meer niet.

hij zegt gaan sycroniseren bovenin na stap 3 gelijk de apple logo in beeld in die balk.

---------- Bericht automatisch samengevoegd op 23 juni 2013 om 20:20 ----------

Oud 23-06-13, 21:24
• iOS
Berichten: n/a

Oorspronkelijk geplaatst door harmentiem Bekijk bericht
geen alleen dit meer niet.
Staat er in de OS X Console niets als iTunes blijft hangen op stap 3. Ik kan het bijna niet geloven.
Oud 23-06-13, 21:33
harmentiem harmentiem is offline
• iOS 7.0
• 7.0
• Besturingssysteem: Mac OS X
Geregistreerd: Dec 2012
Berichten: 13

ik snap jou even niet.
hij blijft niet hangen op stap 3 maar na stap 3 komt op die plaats gewoon de apple logo te staan.
Oud 23-06-13, 21:37
• iOS
Berichten: n/a

Oorspronkelijk geplaatst door harmentiem Bekijk bericht
ik snap jou even niet.
Laat maar zitten. Toen er op die iPhone nog iOS 7 Beta 1 stond heb je dat ding dan gesynchroniseerd met iTunes (deuntjes, apps, enz...)? Indien ja dan heb je nu een probleem. iTunes 11.0.4 is namelijk niet geschikt om te synchroniseren met iOS 7.
Oud 23-06-13, 21:40
harmentiem harmentiem is offline
• iOS 7.0
• 7.0
• Besturingssysteem: Mac OS X
Geregistreerd: Dec 2012
Berichten: 13

heb hem alleen ios 7 erop gezet via een oudere itunes. daarna heb ik een nieuwe itunes erop gezet. heb hem daarna niet meer gebruikt. alleen heb een herstel gedaan via herstel met ios 6.1.3

---------- Bericht automatisch samengevoegd op 23 juni 2013 om 21:13 ----------

Jun 23 21:08:52 iPhone-van-h backboardd[26] <Warning>: Messenger[94]: Could not stat /private/var/mobile/Applications/5DEA0547-4E4F-4D98-92CD-75A0788B5117/tmp/etilqs_MOQhe9OvGi07K7O: No such file or directory
Jun 23 21:11:32 iPhone-van-h lockdownd[45] <Notice>: 2fefd000 special_case_get: MGCopyAnswer(kMGQMobileEquipmentIdentifier) returned NULL
Jun 23 21:11:32 iPhone-van-h lockdownd[45] <Notice>: 2fefd000 special_case_get: MGCopyAnswer(kMGQDeviceEnclosureColor) returned NULL
Jun 23 21:11:33 iPhone-van-h timed[16] <Notice>: (Note ) CoreTime: Received time 06/23/2013 19:11:43±60.00 from "MobileLockdown"
Jun 23 21:11:33 iPhone-van-h timed[16] <Notice>: (Note ) CoreTime: Not setting system time to 06/23/2013 19:11:33 from GPS because time is unchanged
Jun 23 21:11:33 iPhone-van-h timed[16] <Notice>: (Note ) CoreTime: Want active time in 40.01hrs. Need active time in 123.34hrs.
Jun 23 21:11:33 iPhone-van-h timed[16] <Notice>: (Note ) CoreTime: Received timezone "Europe/Amsterdam" from "MobileLockdown"
Jun 23 21:11:33 iPhone-van-h timed[16] <Notice>: (Note ) CoreTime: Current mcc: '204' simulated:'0'.
Jun 23 21:11:36 iPhone-van-h lockdownd[45] <Warning>: SSSQLiteDatabase: Could not setup database: [14, /var/root/Library/com.apple.itunesstored/kvs.sqlitedb]
Jun 23 21:11:36 iPhone-van-h lockdownd[45] <Notice>: 2ff7f000 __copy_itunes_value_block_invoke_0:
Jun 23 21:11:36 iPhone-van-h lockdownd[45] <Notice>: 2fefd000 special_case_get: MGCopyAnswer(kMGQMobileEquipmentIdentifier) returned NULL
Jun 23 21:11:36 iPhone-van-h lockdownd[45] <Warning>: SSSQLiteDatabase: Could not setup database: [14, /var/root/Library/com.apple.itunesstored/kvs.sqlitedb]
Jun 23 21:11:36 iPhone-van-h lockdownd[45] <Notice>: 2fefd000 set_itunes_value: set com.apple.mobile.iTunes.store/Storefront to 143452-10,17 succeeded
Jun 23 21:11:36 iPhone-van-h lockdownd[45] <Warning>: SSSQLiteDatabase: Could not setup database: [14, /var/root/Library/com.apple.itunesstored/kvs.sqlitedb]
Jun 23 21:11:36 iPhone-van-h lockdownd[45] <Notice>: 0155e000 __copy_itunes_value_block_invoke_0: com.apple.mobile.iTunes.store/DSPersonID -> (null)
Jun 23 21:11:36 iPhone-van-h lockdownd[45] <Warning>: SSSQLiteDatabase: Could not setup database: [14, /var/root/Library/com.apple.itunesstored/kvs.sqlitedb]
Jun 23 21:11:36 iPhone-van-h lockdownd[45] <Notice>: 0155e000 __copy_itunes_value_block_invoke_0: com.apple.mobile.iTunes.store/DSPersonID -> (null)
Jun 23 21:11:36 iPhone-van-h lockdownd[45] <Warning>: SSSQLiteDatabase: Could not setup database: [14, /var/root/Library/com.apple.itunesstored/kvs.sqlitedb]
Jun 23 21:11:36 iPhone-van-h lockdownd[45] <Notice>: 0155e000 __copy_itunes_value_block_invoke_0: com.apple.mobile.iTunes.store/AppleID -> (null)
Jun 23 21:11:36 iPhone-van-h lockdownd[45] <Warning>: SSSQLiteDatabase: Could not setup database: [14, /var/root/Library/com.apple.itunesstored/kvs.sqlitedb]
Jun 23 21:11:36 iPhone-van-h lockdownd[45] <Notice>: 0155e000 __copy_itunes_value_block_invoke_0: com.apple.mobile.iTunes.store/UserName -> (null)
Jun 23 21:11:36 iPhone-van-h lockdownd[45] <Warning>: SSSQLiteDatabase: Could not setup database: [14, /var/root/Library/com.apple.itunesstored/kvs.sqlitedb]
Jun 23 21:11:36 iPhone-van-h lockdownd[45] <Notice>: 0155e000 __copy_itunes_value_block_invoke_0: com.apple.mobile.iTunes.store/AccountKind -> (null)
Jun 23 21:11:36 iPhone-van-h lockdownd[45] <Warning>: SSSQLiteDatabase: Could not setup database: [14, /var/root/Library/com.apple.itunesstored/kvs.sqlitedb]
Jun 23 21:11:36 iPhone-van-h lockdownd[45] <Notice>: 0155e000 __copy_itunes_value_block_invoke_0: com.apple.mobile.iTunes.store/PreferHQTracks -> (null)
Jun 23 21:11:36 iPhone-van-h lockdownd[45] <Warning>: SSSQLiteDatabase: Could not setup database: [14, /var/root/Library/com.apple.itunesstored/kvs.sqlitedb]
Jun 23 21:11:36 iPhone-van-h lockdownd[45] <Notice>: 0155e000 __copy_itunes_value_block_invoke_0: com.apple.mobile.iTunes.store/AccountAvailableServiceTypes -> (null)
Jun 23 21:11:36 iPhone-van-h lockdownd[45] <Warning>: SSSQLiteDatabase: Could not setup database: [14, /var/root/Library/com.apple.itunesstored/kvs.sqlitedb]
Jun 23 21:11:36 iPhone-van-h lockdownd[45] <Notice>: 2ff7f000 __copy_itunes_value_block_invoke_0:
Jun 23 21:11:37 iPhone-van-h dataaccessd[82] <Notice>: 0x1c5615b0|DA|Note |AccountID: 60677490-F65E-47A3-99F3-193E228381FE ("iCloud") (Legacy)
Stats DAStatusReport 0x1c5e6d50: {
DASRAccountType = IMAPNotes;
DASRPersistentUUID = "60677490-F65E-47A3-99F3-193E228381FE";
DASRTimeSpan = "12.21915799379349";

AccountID: 2241C8F2-9614-47AB-8939-48748001D8C8 ("iCloud") (Legacy)
Stats DAStatusReport 0x1c5e8950: {
DASRAccountType = CalDAV;
DASRPersistentUUID = "2241C8F2-9614-47AB-8939-48748001D8C8";
DASRSuccessfulRequests = 4;
DASRTimeInNetworking = "7.446651935577393";
DASRTimeSpan = "12.21409595012665";
DATaskManager <DACoreDAVTaskManager: 0x1c53dfe0> state:Nominal
Active exclusive task: (null)
Queued exclusive tasks: (null)
Independent tasks: (null)
Held independent tasks: (null)
Modal-held independent tasks: (null)
Active queued task: (null)
Queued tasks: (
Active modal task: (null)
Queued modal tasks: (null)

Associated with account: <MobileCalDAVMobileMeChildDaemonAccount: 0x1c5e8160>: accountID 2241C8F2-9614-47AB-8939-48748001D8C8 persistentUUID 2241C8F2-9614-47AB-8939-48748001D8C8

AccountID: 5E98877F-3319-41B5-AC1A-F67062B1FD4B ("iCloud") (Legacy)
Stats DAStatusReport 0x1c5de3b0: {
DASRAccountType = CardDAV;
DASRPersistentUUID = "5E98877F-3319-41B5-AC1A-F67062B1FD4B";
DASRTimeSpan = "8.67843896150589";
DATaskManager <DACoreDAVTaskManager: 0x1c50b940> state:Nominal
Active exclusive task: (null)
Queued exclusive tasks: (null)
Independent tasks: (null)
Held independent tasks: (null)
Modal-held independent tasks: (null)
Active queued task: (null)
Queued tasks: (
Active modal task: (null)
Queued modal tasks: (null)

Associated with account: <CardDAVMobileMeChildDaemonAccount: 0x1c5e6410>: accountID 5E98877F-3319-41B5-AC1A-F67062B1FD4B persistentUUID 5E98877F-3319-41B5-AC1A-F67062B1FD4B

AccountID: 6B83FE17-3788-4554-9985-C5A281C32279 ("iCloud") (Legacy)
Stats DAStatusReport 0x1c5ecae0: {
DASRAccountType = BookmarkDAV;
DASRPersistentUUID = "6B83FE17-3788-4554-9985-C5A281C32279";
DASRTimeSpan = "8.520599007606506";
DATaskManager <DACoreDAVTaskManager: 0x1c5ece70> state:Nominal
Active exclusive task: (null)
Queued exclusive tasks: (null)
Independent tasks: (null)
Held independent tasks: (null)
Modal-held independent tasks: (null)
Active queued task: (null)
Queued tasks: (
Active modal task: (null)
Queued modal tasks: (null)

Associated with account: <BookmarkDAVMobileMeChildDaemonAccount: 0x1c5ebab0>: accountID 6B83FE17-3788-4554-9985-C5A281C32279 persistentUUID 6B83FE17-3788-4554-9985-C5A281C32279

_contactsLockHolder (null)
_contactsWaiters (
_waiterIDsExpectingContactsLock {(
_eventsLockHolder (null)
_eventsWaiters (
_waiterIDsExpectingEventsLock {(
_notesLockHolder (null)
_notesWaiters (
_waiterIDsExpectingNotesLock {(
_bookmarksLockHolder (null)
_bookmarksWaiters (
_waiterIDsExpectingBookmarksLock {(
Shared DAPowerAssertionManager object <DADaemonPowerAssertionManager: 0x1c501960>:
Contexts asserting power: <NSCountedSet: 0x1c500df0> ()
Contexts held aside: <NSCountedSet: 0x1c502380> ()
Active Assertions: {

DARefreshManager enabled wrappers:
Topic "com.me.cal" {
<DARefreshWrapper 0x1d1a28b0 for delegate <MobileCalDAVMobileMeChildDaemonAccount: 0x1c5e8160>: accountID 2241C8F2-9614-47AB-8939-48748001D8C8 persistentUUID 2241C8F2-9614-47AB-8939-48748001D8C8: Push state 2, style Push, last registration: 2013-06-23 18:55:23 +0000>
Topic "com.me.bookmarks" {
<DARefreshWrapper 0x1c506bd0 for delegate <BookmarkDAVAgent: 0x1c5edc10>: Push state 2, style Push, last registration: 2013-06-23 18:55:23 +0000>
Topic "com.me.contacts" {
<DARefreshWrapper 0x1c50a650 for delegate <CardDAVAgent: 0x1c5edac0>: Push state 2, style Push, last registration: 2013-06-23 18:55:23 +0000>
Jun 23 21:11:38 iPhone-van-h lockdownd[45] <Warning>: SSSQLiteDatabase: Could not setup database: [14, /var/root/Library/com.apple.itunesstored/kvs.sqlitedb]
Jun 23 21:11:38 iPhone-van-h lockdownd[45] <Notice>: 2fefd000 set_itunes_value: set com.apple.mobile.iTunes.store/LibraryCUID to (null) succeeded
Jun 23 21:11:39 iPhone-van-h atc[144] <Warning>: DELETE FROM container_seed WHERE container_pid IN (?,?,?,?,?,?,?) could unexpectedly not be stepped after 0: 11/database disk image is malformed
Jun 23 21:11:39 iPhone-van-h atc[144] <Warning>: Could not delete ML3Container container_seed.container_pid
Jun 23 21:11:39 iPhone-van-h mobile_assertion_agent[106] <Notice>: service_one_connection: Connection closed for client iTunes.
Jun 23 21:11:55 iPhone-van-h lockdownd[45] <Warning>: SSSQLiteDatabase: Could not setup database: [14, /var/root/Library/com.apple.itunesstored/kvs.sqlitedb]
Jun 23 21:11:55 iPhone-van-h lockdownd[45] <Notice>: 2ff7f000 __copy_itunes_value_block_invoke_0:
Jun 23 21:11:55 iPhone-van-h dataaccessd[82] <Notice>: 0x1c5615b0|DA|Note |AccountID: 60677490-F65E-47A3-99F3-193E228381FE ("iCloud") (Legacy)
Stats DAStatusReport 0x1c5e6d50: {
DASRAccountType = IMAPNotes;
DASRPersistentUUID = "60677490-F65E-47A3-99F3-193E228381FE";
DASRTimeSpan = "12.21915799379349";

AccountID: 2241C8F2-9614-47AB-8939-48748001D8C8 ("iCloud") (Legacy)
Stats DAStatusReport 0x1c5e8950: {
DASRAccountType = CalDAV;
DASRPersistentUUID = "2241C8F2-9614-47AB-8939-48748001D8C8";
DASRSuccessfulRequests = 4;
DASRTimeInNetworking = "7.446651935577393";
DASRTimeSpan = "12.21409595012665";
DATaskManager <DACoreDAVTaskManager: 0x1c53dfe0> state:Nominal
Active exclusive task: (null)
Queued exclusive tasks: (null)
Independent tasks: (null)
Held independent tasks: (null)
Modal-held independent tasks: (null)
Active queued task: (null)
Queued tasks: (
Active modal task: (null)
Queued modal tasks: (null)

Associated with account: <MobileCalDAVMobileMeChildDaemonAccount: 0x1c5e8160>: accountID 2241C8F2-9614-47AB-8939-48748001D8C8 persistentUUID 2241C8F2-9614-47AB-8939-48748001D8C8

AccountID: 5E98877F-3319-41B5-AC1A-F67062B1FD4B ("iCloud") (Legacy)
Stats DAStatusReport 0x1c5de3b0: {
DASRAccountType = CardDAV;
DASRPersistentUUID = "5E98877F-3319-41B5-AC1A-F67062B1FD4B";
DASRTimeSpan = "8.67843896150589";
DATaskManager <DACoreDAVTaskManager: 0x1c50b940> state:Nominal
Active exclusive task: (null)
Queued exclusive tasks: (null)
Independent tasks: (null)
Held independent tasks: (null)
Modal-held independent tasks: (null)
Active queued task: (null)
Queued tasks: (
Active modal task: (null)
Queued modal tasks: (null)

Associated with account: <CardDAVMobileMeChildDaemonAccount: 0x1c5e6410>: accountID 5E98877F-3319-41B5-AC1A-F67062B1FD4B persistentUUID 5E98877F-3319-41B5-AC1A-F67062B1FD4B

AccountID: 6B83FE17-3788-4554-9985-C5A281C32279 ("iCloud") (Legacy)
Stats DAStatusReport 0x1c5ecae0: {
DASRAccountType = BookmarkDAV;
DASRPersistentUUID = "6B83FE17-3788-4554-9985-C5A281C32279";
DASRTimeSpan = "8.520599007606506";
DATaskManager <DACoreDAVTaskManager: 0x1c5ece70> state:Nominal
Active exclusive task: (null)
Queued exclusive tasks: (null)
Independent tasks: (null)
Held independent tasks: (null)
Modal-held independent tasks: (null)
Active queued task: (null)
Queued tasks: (
Active modal task: (null)
Queued modal tasks: (null)

Associated with account: <BookmarkDAVMobileMeChildDaemonAccount: 0x1c5ebab0>: accountID 6B83FE17-3788-4554-9985-C5A281C32279 persistentUUID 6B83FE17-3788-4554-9985-C5A281C32279

_contactsLockHolder (null)
_contactsWaiters (
_waiterIDsExpectingContactsLock {(
_eventsLockHolder (null)
_eventsWaiters (
_waiterIDsExpectingEventsLock {(
_notesLockHolder (null)
_notesWaiters (
_waiterIDsExpectingNotesLock {(
_bookmarksLockHolder (null)
_bookmarksWaiters (
_waiterIDsExpectingBookmarksLock {(
Shared DAPowerAssertionManager object <DADaemonPowerAssertionManager: 0x1c501960>:
Contexts asserting power: <NSCountedSet: 0x1c500df0> ()
Contexts held aside: <NSCountedSet: 0x1c502380> ()
Active Assertions: {

DARefreshManager enabled wrappers:
Topic "com.me.cal" {
<DARefreshWrapper 0x1d1a28b0 for delegate <MobileCalDAVMobileMeChildDaemonAccount: 0x1c5e8160>: accountID 2241C8F2-9614-47AB-8939-48748001D8C8 persistentUUID 2241C8F2-9614-47AB-8939-48748001D8C8: Push state 2, style Push, last registration: 2013-06-23 18:55:23 +0000>
Topic "com.me.bookmarks" {
<DARefreshWrapper 0x1c506bd0 for delegate <BookmarkDAVAgent: 0x1c5edc10>: Push state 2, style Push, last registration: 2013-06-23 18:55:23 +0000>
Topic "com.me.contacts" {
<DARefreshWrapper 0x1c50a650 for delegate <CardDAVAgent: 0x1c5edac0>: Push state 2, style Push, last registration: 2013-06-23 18:55:23 +0000>
Jun 23 21:11:55 iPhone-van-h lockdownd[45] <Warning>: SSSQLiteDatabase: Could not setup database: [14, /var/root/Library/com.apple.itunesstored/kvs.sqlitedb]
Jun 23 21:11:55 iPhone-van-h lockdownd[45] <Notice>: 2fefd000 set_itunes_value: set com.apple.mobile.iTunes.store/LibraryCUID to (null) succeeded
Jun 23 21:11:56 iPhone-van-h atc[144] <Warning>: DELETE FROM container_seed WHERE container_pid IN (?,?,?,?,?,?,?) could unexpectedly not be stepped after 0: 11/database disk image is malformed
Jun 23 21:11:56 iPhone-van-h atc[144] <Warning>: Could not delete ML3Container container_seed.container_pid
Jun 23 21:11:57 iPhone-van-h mobile_assertion_agent[106] <Notice>: service_one_connection: Connection closed for client iTunes.
stukje log wat hij aangeeft als ik itunes opstart en ga sychroniseer.

Er zijn 1 actieve gebruikers die momenteel deze discussie bekijken (0 leden en 1 gasten)


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