
We Rule is uit!

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Oud 07-04-10, 15:58
Vixxxie Vixxxie is offline
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Ik speel ook

Voeg me maar toe: Vixxxie
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Oud 07-04-10, 17:21
Dizz87 Dizz87 is offline
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Dizz87 is mijn +plus account
Oud 07-04-10, 20:17
Markos86 Markos86 is offline
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Ook maar geinstalleerd..Account is Markos1986
Oud 07-04-10, 22:33
naldje's schermafbeelding
naldje naldje is offline
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Name :

4 x iPhone 1st generation 8 GB + Jailbreak || 2 x iPhone 3G 16 GB + Jailbreak || 2 x iPhone 3G S 32 GB
Oud 07-04-10, 23:46
ednijmegen ednijmegen is offline
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Ik ben erbij voeg me maar toe: ednijmegen
Oud 08-04-10, 02:14
Gunslinger32 Gunslinger32 is offline
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We Rule - Latest Service Update
Posted on: 4/7/2010

To all our We Rule players,
Firstly, thanks for all of your comments - positive and negative. We read each and every one that is sent to us in Get Satisfaction, Twitter, Facebook, email and any other way that you’ve contacted us.
Now down to business…in the past few days we’ve had a couple of service outages that I wanted to address as well as giving you insight into the other issues we’re tracking and what we’re doing to address them. First the outages…
1.*** Monday’s big service outage - On Monday we had a power failure at our server colocation facility. This was actually not a We Rule server issue but rather one that affected our plus+ network. While the outage itself was brief it did leave some of our services in a broken state. We elected to power everything down and cleanly restart the system, which unfortunately meant that we lost all of plus+’s locally cached data. As the cache’s repopulated the service ran very slowly and the result for games that require a plus+ login was that they often timed out on login. The plus+ services were fully restored late on Monday and have been up and running smoothly since with one exception…
2.*** Wednesdays brief service outage - On Wednesday the We Rule servers went down. This was the result of us pushing new content to the game. As you connected to the game, it tried to automatically grab the new content from the content server - which shares connections with the game server. As the download took (on a relative basis) a long time, the connection pool that you use to attach to our server became occupied by clients doing content updates and the result was that you couldn’t connect. As soon as we understood what was happening we stopped the content push and are currently testing a revision to this that we hope to deploy later this week.
On the game side, we have 5 issues that we’re tracking that have been affecting the service, I wanted to take a moment to acknowledge those issues and let you know what we’re doing about them.
3.*** Intermittent long login - There is an intermittent fault related to our game analytics server that manifests itself in a long connection time. This is a result of load (there were 3.5m+ game sessions of We Rule played yesterday) and is being addressed but as a slightly lower priority than the “Big 3” issues below…
4.*** Big 3.1 - “Can’t connect” - Some of you have experienced “can’t connect” errors and, despite what it looks like this is actually more often than not a bug that we have with the client that requires an update. In order to deal with the changes in the client to fix some of these issues, we’ve also made some changes on the server. The server side changes are being deployed now and once those have been tested, we will submit the client update to Apple. This fix will help address a lot of the connection issues some of you have faced.
5.*** Big 3.2 - “Push Notifications” - 3.5m+ sessions x ~10 push alarms per user = more pushes than we were anticipating. We’re working to build a better prioritizing and queuing system to ensures that your pushes (especially your crop alarms) arrive on time. We will have a fix to this deployed very soon.
6.*** Big 3.3 - “Some users Friends Kingdoms show as having open businesses when they don’t” - We believe that we have a fix for this issue that’s currently in test and we will push live as soon as we’ve verified it addresses or improves the issue.
7.*** Finally - we will also be enabling soon the system that will allow you to get free mojo for trying other apps, much like we do in our other applications.
That’s the update - as always we’re committed to giving you the very best experience possible and we will work around the clock to make sure that you can enjoy a consistent and rewarding We Rule.
Thanks you very much for your support and patronage…
—- Neil Young, CEO & Founder
Oud 08-04-10, 10:44
tulip18's schermafbeelding
tulip18 tulip18 is offline
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We zijn weer helemaal op de hoogte.

Bedankt Gunslinger32 voor de moeite
Oud 08-04-10, 10:56
keffke keffke is offline
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Voeg me toe! veel open shops! name: kevintjuhh
Oud 08-04-10, 11:37
Bloodygompie Bloodygompie is offline
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net als vele voor hem, simpel........... en verslavend

Oud 08-04-10, 13:09
QuasaR78 QuasaR78 is offline
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Voeg me toe! veel open shops!
Patricia1982 (net begonnen dus nog niet veel shops)
Oud 08-04-10, 14:07
Slijder Slijder is offline
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Net accountje aangemaakt voeg maar toe!
Oud 08-04-10, 14:24
slemsje slemsje is offline
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Exclamation We Rule Hyves!!!!!

Nu ook de We Rule Hyves, wordt lid en nodig ook al je vrienden uit!!!

We Rule - Hyves.nl

Hier kan je ook mooi namen etc uitwisselen..

voeg mij ook toe aan je kingdom, slemsje
Oud 08-04-10, 15:33
Rookmelder Rookmelder is offline
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Ik ben zo vrij geweest om een aantal van jullie toe te voegen
Voeg mij ook gerust toe

plusacc: rookmelder
Oud 08-04-10, 16:52
swakes swakes is offline
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Heb het er ook maar eens opgesmeten...
Ziet er wel cool uit!

Voeg mij maar toe: swakes

Oud 08-04-10, 17:14
Ruudboy Ruudboy is offline
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Spel ziet er leuk uit. Eens kijken hoe lang het leuk blijft

Mijn naam is : Ruudboy
Oud 08-04-10, 17:43
caatje69 caatje69 is offline
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onwijs leuk spel!
mijn naam is caatje69
Oud 08-04-10, 17:51
henkowz henkowz is offline
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Echt enorm verslavend idd!
Mijn plus username is henkowz
Oud 08-04-10, 18:24
iphonewesley iphonewesley is offline
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Geweldig spel en zeer verslavend voeg me toe:wesleytje kan wel wat hulp gebruiken
Oud 08-04-10, 20:06
nitsch nitsch is offline
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pas begonnen en zou toch bijna inderdaad mijn wekker ervoor gaan zetten..
Oud 08-04-10, 21:56
Tuur Tuur is offline
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Jemig, na het installeren van de een ander spel van dezelfde ontwikkelaar kon ik niet meer inloggen. Gebr naam en wachtwoord kloppen maar geen inlog....
..........ook al klik ik 'forgot' en voer mijn emailadres in dan krijg ik geen respons van herkenning van e-mail adres.....

Wie weet waar ik een mail naar toe kan sturen>???

Thanks.......... kialdajo (bijna nivo 19)

en zomaar uit het niets.>>>>>>>>> hij doet het weer............na 32 keer fout inloggen de 33e keer goed,pfff, op naar nivo 19

Laatst gewijzigd door Tuur; 08-04-10 om 22:29. Reden: inloggen toch gelukt

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