
where can i replace iphone4 black with white cover?

where can i replace iphone4 black with white cover? discussie in iPhone algemeen forum; ( verdwijnt na registratie ) i bought the the white iphone4 kit, but i do not know where i can replace it in den haag or rotterdam? i called pdatech.nl ...

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Oud 30-08-10, 14:05
illkid illkid is offline
• iOS 8.3
• Ik heb geen iPad
• Besturingssysteem: Mac OS X
Geregistreerd: Aug 2008
Berichten: 2
Exclamation where can i replace iphone4 black with white cover?

i bought the the white iphone4 kit, but i do not know where i can replace it in den haag or rotterdam? i called pdatech.nl in den haag, they told me they do not have the white panel at this moment and do not work with parts i bought from a third party...

White iPhone 4 Front Panel (Pre-Assembled) = Retina Display + Supporting Frame + Front Glass + Digitizer
White iPhone 4 Back Panel (Pre-Assembled) = Back Glass with Camera Lens & LED Cover + Supporting Frame
White iPhone 4 Home Button
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