
Address Book from Palm to iPhone

Address Book from Palm to iPhone discussie in iPhone algemeen forum; ( verdwijnt na registratie ) Does any one know how to copy addresses from Palm Treo 650 to iPhone AddressBook ? Is there a way to synchronise both through same ...

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Oud 16-10-07, 11:58
nisgav nisgav is offline
• iOS 4.0
• Besturingssysteem: Mac OS X
Geregistreerd: Oct 2007
Locatie: Rotterdam
Berichten: 4
Standaard Address Book from Palm to iPhone

Does any one know how to copy addresses from Palm Treo 650 to iPhone AddressBook ? Is there a way to synchronise both through same window application ?
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Oud 16-10-07, 12:42
Spikes Spikes is offline
• iOS 2.0.2
• Besturingssysteem: MacOS X
Geregistreerd: Sep 2007
Berichten: 38

@nisgav: use Missing Sync for Palm from Markspace to sync your Palm to your computer. A trial version is available for free and will be sufficient to transfer contacts. Then sync that computer with your iphone using iTunes.
Oud 16-10-07, 14:52
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• Besturingssysteem: Mac OS X
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Oorspronkelijk geplaatst door nisgav Bekijk bericht
Does any one know how to copy addresses from Palm Treo 650 to iPhone AddressBook ? Is there a way to synchronise both through same window application ?
Instead of using palm desktop use outlook/outlook express (change that in your profile from palm desktop)
Your treo 650 can sync with outlook & iTunes can also, this should solve your problem.
Oud 16-10-07, 16:50
nisgav nisgav is offline
• iOS 4.0
• Besturingssysteem: Mac OS X
Geregistreerd: Oct 2007
Locatie: Rotterdam
Berichten: 4
Standaard Thanks, addresses o.k. in iPhone from PalmTreo 650

Thanks, guys. I transformed the addresses of Palm Desktop to 1 .VCF file and imported it through Outlook Express to the Address Book. Then imported from iTunes and Synchronised it to iPhone, perfect.
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